Tax Cuts Are Here! Maximise Your Benefits with Our Finance Solutions

Tax Cuts Are Here! Maximise Your Benefits with Our Finance Solutions

We have some fantastic news to share! The Australian Government has announced significant tax cuts starting from 1 July 2024, aimed at helping all Australians manage cost-of-living pressures. This is an excellent opportunity for you, and we’re here to help you make the most of it.

What Are the New Tax Cuts?

The federal government has introduced changes to individual income tax rates and thresholds, resulting in tax cuts for all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers. Here’s what’s new:

  • 19% tax rate reduced to 16%
  • 32.5% tax rate reduced to 30%
  • 37% tax threshold increased from $120,000 to $135,000
  • 45% tax threshold increased from $180,000 to $190,000

These changes will put more money back into your pocket, whether it’s through your regular pay-check or when you file your tax return.

How Will This Benefit You?

Increased Take-Home Pay: For most of you, these tax cuts will be reflected in your take-home pay each payday, starting from 1 July 2024. This means more disposable income to support your financial goals.

Better Financial Planning: Use the additional income to save for a home, invest, or pay off existing debts. Our finance solutions can help you strategically manage this extra cash flow.

How Natloans Can Help You

As your trusted finance brokerage, we’re committed to helping you navigate these changes and make the most of your finances. Here’s how we can assist:

  • Expert Advice: Our team can provide personalised advice on how to maximise your tax savings and apply them towards your financial goals.
  • Tailored Solutions: Whether you’re looking to buy a home, asset, refinance, or invest, we offer a range of finance solutions to suit your needs.
  • Ongoing Support: We’ll keep you informed about any further changes and how they may impact your financial situation.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact us today to learn more about how these tax cuts can benefit you and how our services can help you achieve your financial dreams. Let’s work together to turn these savings into meaningful progress towards your goals.

Tax Cuts Are Here! Maximise Your Benefits with Our Finance Solutions We have some fantastic news to share! The Australian Government has announced significant tax cuts starting from 1 July 2024, aimed at helping all Australians manage cost-of-living pressures. This is […]

Christmas Loans: It’s Not Too Late To Fund These Holidays

So, the holiday season has snuck up on you this year. That’s OK, such is the case for thousands of Australians all around the nation this year, but lucky for, you’ve stumbled across Natloans’ array of Christmas Loans! Let’s run through some scenarios, and then address a Natloans solution for each:

Scenario 1 – Gift, Meals, and Decorations


Let’s say that you’re having your family around for Christmas. Ok. What’s required. Well firstly you’ll need gifts for everyone, then you’ll need to pay for a meal to feed the entire clan, and on top of that, you’re going to need to decorate to impress. The only problem; you don’t have the money to afford the whole lot. What can you do?


This sounds like a job for a Personal Loan Solution. With a Personal Loan, Natloans will connect you to a lender who will, should you meet their very reasonable conditions, grant you a sum of money to help you afford your Christmas expenditures; at your discretion.

Scenario 2 – Family Abroad


Perhaps grew up out in rural Tasmania, and moved to a city like Melbourne for work. Or maybe you’re a Kiwi or English emigré to Australia. Either way, the result is that you’re away from your family, and are sure to miss them during Christmas time. You want to fly back home, but you can’t afford it; what can you do?


This sounds like a perfect fit for a Travel Loan Solution! These Christmas Loans are a variety of Personal Loans, specially designed to accomodate travelling costs, and are your best bet for getting the quick cash needed to spend Christmas the way it should be: with your family.

Scenario 3 – Christmas Ruins Your Saving Plan For A New Car


Let’s say that you can afford all the regular expenditures for Christmas (gifts, meals, decor, etc.), but the buying of which will set you back on your savings for a new car you’ve been eyeing all year. What can you do?


Lucky for you, with a Natloans Car Loan, you don’t need to count every penny for a car. As long as you can put down a reasonable deposit, and are making an appropriate income, a Car Loan will ensure that you get your hands on the new car in the new year, and can worry about the total bill later!

Scenario 4 – Need Some Business Cash Flow To Get Through The Year


As all business owners know, the Christmas season can be a really rough time for business. Many of your staff may be on holidays, many people might not be buying as much, and in general, you may not be meeting budget for the month, as a result of all these factors. What can you do?


Natloans offers a wide range of business cash flow loans, which are loans that allow for money to be transferred, and injected right into your business. This means that for however long you need, you will be able to cover the expenses of the Season, or even use the funds to expand your business as it exists currently.

Scenario 5 – Looking To Buy Something Really Nice For Yourself This Christmas


Maybe you feel like you’ve worked hard this year, and deserve to reward yourself for all your efforts. You’ve already got a car, you’re paying the way for your family, and you’ve no need for travel loans. So what else is there?

You know what you want this Christmas. You’ve been dreaming for a while now about a new motorbike, or boat, or jet ski for a few months — but how will you be able to afford that?


In this case, Natloans has three words for you; Leisure Loan Solutions. Whether its a bike, boat, caravan, or jet ski, Natloans has you covered with a range of personally tailored Loan Solutions.


No matter what your situation is this Holiday Season, Natloans has you covered. If you need extra money, or finance of any kind this Christmas, don’t hesitate! Call us at 1300 955 791 today! Merry wishes to all!

So, the holiday season has snuck up on you this year. That’s OK, such is the case for thousands of Australians all around the nation this year, but lucky for, you’ve stumbled across Natloans’ array of Christmas Loans! Let’s run […]

Your Credit Score Counts. Why and HOW To Check It Properly.

What Is A Credit Score?

Your credit score is the rating which lenders will assign to, which is calculated based on your history in finance, and takes into account your history of repayment, the types of loans which you take out, and your general ongoings in the world of finance.

Having a good credit score is fundamental to maintaining an ability to receive finance, because it is understood as being the first reference which lenders use to determine your worthiness for the reception of a loan. But, what constitutes a good credit score? Let’s find out.

Credit Score General Rankings

Here is a general guideline which most lenders agree upon. It will outline what is determined as optimal, and will lay out what the consequences of each ranking are.

  1. Great! (600-999)

A client with such a credit score can expect the absolute best outcomes  as it respects the lowest rates, and the most favourable terms.

2.    Good (500-599)

Rates, and terms will not be the very best, but are still very fair.

3.    Poor (<500)

An individual who finds themselves in this category will be unlikely to receive a loan that is not secured for the lender. This means that personal loans, and unsecured business, or car loans are off the table. Moreover, one can expect to be granted higher interest rates, and less ideal loan terms.

An individual below the line of ‘very poor’ is unlikely to be able to receive finance. Or, at least, they will face difficulty in doing so.

How To Check My Credit Score?

Now that the degree to which one’s credit score is important has been established, and an understanding of the hierarchy of credit scores, in the eyes of lenders, has been drawn up; how can one find out where they stack up?

It is, in fact, possible to contact a lender, and find out from them what one’s credit rating looks like. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION. The reason that this is the case is because when one checks their own credit, it will NEGATIVELY AFFECT ONE’S CREDIT RATING.

As unfortunate as that may be, the fact of the matter is that, for some reason, lenders disapprove of, and distrust clients who look into their credit ratings as such, and the action itself will lower one’s rating.

There is no need to lose hope however, as there is another course of action which one can take, which will not damage their credit rating. This simple process is called a broker inquiry, distinct from a client inquiry. Simply call a broker, and request for them to inquire into your credit score.

Because it is a broker, and not yourself who is technically checking the credit, this inquiry will not damage your score in any way, but still give you the knowledge that you need. If such an inquiry interests you, then don’t hesitate to call Natloans today at 1300 955 791, where we will be happy to inquire on your behalf absolutely free!

What Can Damage My Credit Score?

There are many ways in which your credit score can be both negatively, or positively affected, but the main ways in which yours can be damaged are as follows:

  • Defaults

A default is a situation in your credit history wherein you have taken out a loan, and failed to pay it back. This is, for the obvious reason of you setting a precedent of not paying back loans, probably the most damaging mark upon your credit score.

  • AfterPay

As convenient as it may seem, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that AfterPay is considerably damaging to your credit score. This is because, even if you withdraw but a small amount, and pay it back quickly, AfterPay is considered to be an outstanding liability according to lenders — even months after you’ve paid them back. Therefore, it behooves the reader to exercise caution respecting the system.

  • No credit card

This is a situation which doesn’t necessarily damage your rating, but not having a credit card certainly prevents you from boosting your rating. This is because overtime that you use your credit card, and are able to honour your usage, it will make your credit rating go up, even for small transactions. It is therefore a good idea, if you wish you boost your credit rating, to start using a credit card.

  • Poor Credit Card Balance

If you DO have a credit card, and it happens to be approaching its limit, then this can definitely hurt your credit score. Always keep in mind that when it comes to your credit card utilisation ratio; lower is better.

  • Too Many Inquiries On Your Credit File

Inquiring by yourself as to you credit file can drop your score by anywhere from 20-60 points. Doing so frequently, even on three seperate occasions, can therefore lower your credit rating by nearly 200 points.

  • PayDay Loans

These are a sort of loan wherein one will receive a decidedly small sum of money at a very high interest rate, and will be expected to pay it back when they receive their next paycheque. Having many of these show up on your credit history will damage your score because it implies to lenders that you are often out of pocket, and need assistance to get through the weeks. Having failed to pay back a PayDay Loan will result in the effects of not paying a regular loan, in tandem with those of having taken out a PayDay Loans. Hence, not good. In fact, if you have used a PayDay Loan within sixth months of trying for a bigger Loan, like a Personal, Car, or Business Loan, you are almost guaranteed to be declined.


Hopefully now, after having read this article, one will have a more complete understanding of the importance of their credit rating, the factors affecting their credit, and what category means what, as it respects credit ratings.

If one lesson only is taken from this, then it must be that one should never make a direct inquiry as to their credit rating. If one is really interested to know, remember; Natloans works it out for free!

What Is A Credit Score? Your credit score is the rating which lenders will assign to, which is calculated based on your history in finance, and takes into account your history of repayment, the types of loans which you take […]

Leisure Loans and How They Work

What is a Leisure Loan?

Leisure loans will cover you for the purchase of bikes, boats, jet skis, caravans, and other such assets. They are a category of loan wherein one is granted possession of an asset classified as a leisure item, and is obligated to repay their lender for the item after being granted therewith. This is distinct from a Personal Loan, which will grant one with a particular sum of money for discretional use, and is also distinct from a Car Loan, as in general, cars are not classified as being leisure vehicles.

How Do Leisure Loans Work?

As mentioned previously, a leisure loan will generally work along the same lines as a Car Loan, wherein you will be granted possession of the asset itself, and expected to pay your lender back across a number of instalments, to cover for the price.

It must be emphasised that a Leisure Loan is not a Personal Loan, and you should not expect to receive a lump sum for discretional spending upon a successful settlement of your loan.

What Are The Typical Rates For Leisure Loans?

As with most loan categories, Leisure Loan rates will vary depending on the asset in question, but, as a general rule of thumb, the typical rates for Leisure Items, as offered by Natloans are as follows:

  • Bikes – From ~5.50%
  • Boats – From 5.85%
  • Jet Skis – From 5.85%
  • Caravans – From 5.99%


If you’re keen to hop on a new jet ski, camp out in a new caravan, ride on a new bike, or captain a new boat; then Natloans is just one call away! Our veteran team of finance brokers has been helping Australians country-wide to get their hands on the Leisure loans of their dreams, so what are you waiting for? Call us today at 1300 955 791! See you soon!

What is a Leisure Loan? Leisure loans will cover you for the purchase of bikes, boats, jet skis, caravans, and other such assets. They are a category of loan wherein one is granted possession of an asset classified as a […]

Need Extra Money For Christmas? Here Are Some Ideas?

The Holiday Season is very nearly upon us. Whether it be money for Christmas, Chanukah, or any other celebration, a lot of folks may find themselves a little out of pocket when the day rolls by. Maybe your kids have written up their wish lists, or your parents have made a request for lunch, or your spouse has come up with some ideas for decorations, and altogether; the burden has proven to be just too much.

Maybe your family lives far away from you and can’t afford to fly out to share the holiday with them. Or maybe it’s not any of those things; perhaps you have your eyes on a gift for yourself! A new car, a boat, a bike or even a holiday, but just don’t have the budget to make it all happen. What can you do?

Here Are Some Options

Of course, you could try to save, but more likely than not, the time for that has already passed. You could ask for money, but asking to get in order to give seems, on its face, somewhat counterintuitive. So what does that leave you with?

Natloans has a variety of brilliant loan options and services which are designed to help you make sure that your holidays are merry as ever!

No matter what it is that you need or want, Natloans has you covered these holidays. If you need extra money for Christmas, call Natloans today at 1300 955 791. Happy holidays and see you soon!

The Holiday Season is very nearly upon us. Whether it be money for Christmas, Chanukah, or any other celebration, a lot of folks may find themselves a little out of pocket when the day rolls by. Maybe your kids have […]

Get On A New Bike This Year

Get On A New Motorbike This Year

The roaring twenties are just around the corner! Interest rates are low, hopes are high, and altogether; there’s no better way to kick off the new decade than by getting your hands on a brand new motorbike! It’s a close-held dream for many, a secret, or fantasy for some, but with the right guidance and persistence, a brand-new motorbike of any kind could be yours, easier than ever!

How Can I Do It?

With most banks and brokers, a motorbike is classified as being a “Leisure Item”, and therefore falls under the category of “Leisure Loan”, should you seek a loan to fund it. This category is reserved for personal expenses upon items intended for one’s enjoyment, like bikes, caravans, boats, and jet skis. They differ from personal loans in that they are secured by the capital by which they are purchased, and in the fact that a personal loan is generally a sum of money granted by itself for an express purpose, whereas as in general a leisure loan is given towards the purchase of a specific item.

Here at Natloans, our dedicated team has been hooking up customers with prime rates on leisure loans for the last two decades, and with that experience, skill, and devotion, we’ll be happy to help you get your hands on the loan you need, to buy the bike you want. No matter what your circumstances.

So what are you waiting for? Make the new decade the best of your life today! It’s as easy as a phone call to Natloans.

Get On A New Motorbike This Year The roaring twenties are just around the corner! Interest rates are low, hopes are high, and altogether; there’s no better way to kick off the new decade than by getting your hands on […]

Is ‘Buy now, Pay later’ A Good Idea?

What is ‘Buy now, pay later’?

Buy now pay later is a system of payment, facilitated by certain providers, which allows for one to purchase a product at any given time, only having to pay for after the fact, when one is better suited to do so. Sometimes it is paid for all at once, and sometimes the payment is completed via a series of small instalments. This service can be undergone for as long as eight weeks in some cases, and at times, even longer, depending on the retailer and the provider of the service. There is often a cap upon how the price at which buy now pay later is an acceptable option.


The chief and obvious benefit of buy now pay later is that it allows one to, in the moment, make a purchase of an item which they would be otherwise unable to buy. This seems particularly useful for young people and lower income earners as it stretches the scope of possibility for them, and enhances their buying power.

Another benefit of many providers of after pay is that it often comes without interest or fees, and indeed, without needing to wait hefty stretches of time in order to receive their items.


The chief detriment of after pay, it must be said, is one which is invisible to the overwhelming majority of its potential users. The fact is, that the use of buy now pay later products sharply decreases one’s ability to receive a loan or finance, however unfair or unreasonable that may seem. The fact is, that when a lender can see on one’s credit history that they’ve made use of the service, even if it were for only a small sum of $500, and over the course of four weeks months prior, the lender is very likely to count this payment as a liability, and refuse to give you finance, even if your payment is completed successfully.

Another detriment, although in control of the user and therefore not intrinsic to the system of buy now pay later, is the fact that through its wanton use, one can rack up a very hefty debt, through the process of purchasing things which they, in reality, may not be able to afford.


Whilst buy now pay later may be, for some people, a very handy and convenient system which seems to enhance their purchasing power, the sharp detriments associated herewith must be kept in mind. If buy now pay later is made use of, it must be used with utmost care and premeditation.

What is ‘Buy now, pay later’? Buy now pay later is a system of payment, facilitated by certain providers, which allows for one to purchase a product at any given time, only having to pay for after the fact, when […]

Get Into A New Boat This Spring!

Get Into A New Boat This Spring


The real Australia is, above all else; a nation defined by its shores and beaches. All of our great country’s major cities sit hereupon, and amongst its nearly 25 million citizens hardly one can be named who doesn’t love a good day out on the sand. Indeed then, it’s no surprise that Australia is, simultaneously, a nation in love with boats and boating; from fishing to speed-boating, and cruising to sailing, almost each and every one of us has dreamt of what it could be like to captain our own vessel, and launch of from the pink and pleasant sands into the rolling, azure hills of Pacific, even if it were only for a little.

It is no exaggeration to say that the boat is a fundamental part of living the Australian dream; of course, Captain Cook first discovered this land by boat, and the first settlers hereof all came in the first fleet by boat. More than that, many if not most of the later settlers and migrants to our great country made their ways here on boats, and many had their first experience of the land of the southern cross in one its great cities’ harbours. So how can you get your hands on a boat of your own this spring? How can you live in the spirit of Australia and set sail in the oncoming heat? Read on to find out.


There are several considerations to account for when seeking to purchase a boat of one’s own. Firstly, the use of the boat. Will it be for oneself alone, or for a family or group of friends? Is it for fishing, or joyriding? Luxury, or utility? These are all factors to consider in deciding upon the specific make and size of the boat which one intends to purchase. The build of the boat will, of course, serve to inform the price range at which one will be looking. For example, a luxury yacht meant for the whole family will call for a decidedly higher price than a one-man fishing or speed boat, with a speedboat costing around $20,000 on average, whilst a yacht’s price can often range well into the millions. In addition to the upfront cost, theres also that of maintenance; repairs, fuel, spare parts, stock and more, which, in totality, can rack up to a rather high price in the long run.

How Natloans Can Help You

Now that considerations have been taken, and a decision as to what you wish to purchase has been made, it’s time to work out where to find the money for your boat loan. The fact of the matter is, bar in exceptional cases, one very rarely has the loose change hanging around to afford a brand-new boat upfront. So what are your options? The first is saving, of course, but to really be able to get what you want, right now when you want it; the best option is to take out a loan.

Natloans’ Asset Department has specialised for many years in delivering stellar results in specifically tailored boat loan solutions to customers, under the category of ‘Leisure Loans’. No matter what type or size or brand of boat you’ve decided on, our team will have you covered with loan solutions to fit any person’s needs, wants, and means! Call us now to get yourself into a boat this Spring!

Get Into A New Boat This Spring Introduction The real Australia is, above all else; a nation defined by its shores and beaches. All of our great country’s major cities sit hereupon, and amongst its nearly 25 million citizens hardly […]

How To Fund Getting Married

Fund Getting Married

You’re finally ready. You’ve met the perfect person and you’re ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of your years together. Congratulations! Now it’s time to make arrangements for the big day! But, whether it’s a white wedding in wonderland or a simple sea-side ceremony, perfection is almost never cheap. So, how can you afford to make the perfect day truly perfect without having to worry about dealing with the aftereffects of its throwing?

First, Let’s Discuss The Engagement Ring

This, proportionate to its size, is probably going to be the most expensive part of any betrothal. The average person will spend $6,000 on a diamond ring, with some even going as high as $10,000, and the upper end rings, depending on the gem and the fitting, even costing as much as $40,000! The general advice is to spend two month’s salary on an engagement ring, although nowadays this rule of thumb is beginning to faze out.

If one cannot afford an engagement ring of this price due to financial obligations and situations, but is still very much keen to purchase one for their bride-to-be, an immediate recommendation would be to consult with a loan writer to try for a personal loan, which would come under the ‘Wedding’ category. This would allow one to get the money needed to purchase their desired ring, whilst paying off the loan in the long term, making possible what was previously perhaps unthinkable.

A second piece of advice may be to consider a non-diamond ring. Most women will still want a diamond, but certainly not all do, and indeed, as time has marched on from the height of the campaigns of the DeBeere monopoly, more and more folk have found themselves free from the spellbinding notion that “only diamonds are forever”. Therefore, there’s certainly no harm in choosing a different gem for your engagement ring, and indeed, to do so is in many ways better than not, as it adds a certain uniqueness, care and thoughtfulness to the decision surrounding your engagement. Perhaps buying a ring encrusted with your partner’s birthstone could be an option, or one unique in some way to you and your partner’s history or person, for example; if your bride-to-be is Italian, to buy her a ring of Red Coral (Italy’s national gemstone) could be a bright idea. Doing research into the meanings of different gems can therefore go a long way in ensuring that the one which you choose could make the ring not only a lot less costly, but also a lot more special and meaningful to you, and your future spouse.

Even so, if one finds themselves overwhelmed by the costs of the ring still, the option of a personal loan, or wedding loan is always on the table, and much recommended by many.

The Honeymoon

Now that we’ve covered the before, it’s time to discuss the ongoings after the wedding. Marriage is a wonderful milestone well worth celebrating long after the fact, and a honeymoon is the perfect way to go about it! Of course, the cost thereof will vary depending on whether a couple decides to travel abroad or remain domestic, and also upon the length of the honeymoon itself, but all thing considered, in most cases, a couple will choose to go all out for celebration’s sake. For example, one wouldn’t think it fitting to spend your first month of matrimony under the roof of a two-star hotel, would you? Accomodation, in combination with living costs, travel costs and other expenses can rack up a sizeable bill, with most honeymoons ranging between the cost of $5,000 to $10,000.

Now, how can this price be tackled? There are several ways in which it can be gone about, both of which through means of a personal loan solution. Firstly, one can take out a loan under the umbrella of it being a travel loan, if indeed it is the case that one chooses to go travelling. The average travel for which you could be approved is more than enough to cover the cost of a honeymoon of the scale previously mentioned. Secondly, one could also fund their honeymoon by way of a personal loan under the umbrella of a ‘Wedding’ loan. This loan could be seperate to that which covers the ring and the ceremony, or it could be conjoined therewith.

Either way, it must be known by the married-to-be that despite the seemingly daunting cost, it is perfectly possible to cover the costs and win the perfect honeymoon for them and their beloved, through means of finance and loans.

Now, For The Wedding Itself

As previously mentioned, the wedding ceremony can be an extremely expensive (though not to say not worthwhile!) process. When one accounts for the price of venue, catering, entertainment, photography, and off course; the dress, as well as all the other factors, the cost of a wedding may tally well into the tens of thousands. Not to worry though, as there are several solutions to help alleviate the cost of planning your special day.

Firstly, parents and grandparents are often more than happy to chip in to the cost of the wedding, which may serve to alleviate the cost somewhat. Secondly, by creating a plan for saving up money, one may find themselves not needing any help at all!

But in all likelihood, one will not be able to save up enough to afford the cost of their perfect wedding without feeling the financial sting, and frankly, they may feel it untoward to be asking for too large a hand out from their and their spouse’s family, so what then? As previously mentioned, wedding loan or personal loan can be a brilliant solution to help cover the costs of your betrothal, with all things accounted for then and there, and the cost only needing to be tended to very gradually and easily later on.

Natloans has a team of experienced staff who have, over the course of the last two decades, written thousands of personal loans and very many wedding loans to assist people such as yourself to make their special day all the more, stressless, harmonious and perfect! So if you’re looking for financial help in affording your wedding, call Natloans today! Your wedding day only comes once, so why hold back from making it the day that you’ll never forget?

Fund Getting Married You’re finally ready. You’ve met the perfect person and you’re ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of your years together. Congratulations! Now it’s time to make arrangements for the big day! But, whether it’s […]

Line of Credit

What is it?

          Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were in an emergency and couldn’t afford to dig your way out? What if a storm knocked out your kitchen windows? Or if you needed to pay hospital bills due to an unforeseen accident? The answer is surely yes, we’ve all fretted over what the unforeseen future may hold, and wondered how we could possibly afford to trudge through it unscathed, if we simply didn’t have the funds to afford reparations. Lucky for us, finance brokers and lenders can provide you with a with a simple, straightforward solution to provide you with the security you need for yourself, your home, and your family; The Line of Credit Solution.


How does it work?

          Basically, an agreement must be made between you and your lender which grants you access to a set amount of money whenever you need it. Why is the lender so happy to give you the money to borrow? Because the loan, or line of credit, is secured against the equity of your house.

          To illustrate, suppose that you take out a loan for a house at $300,000, and your home is valued at $600,000. The equity on your house is therefore $300,000, which means your loan to value ratio is at 50%. Provided you meet all of your lender’s lending criteria, you would be able to apply for a line of credit of up to 80% of the property value, that being another $180,000 (so as to avoid Loan Mortgage Insurance). Therefore, if the loan is fully drawn own, you would be left with total loan of $480,000.

          With this in mind then, the line of credit can be said to function in much the same way as a credit card but with a much lower interest rate, wherein it provides you with a pre-approved amount of credit to access. You can use as much of this credit as you want whilst paying off the interest accrued from the outstanding balance.


What is it?           Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were in an emergency and couldn't afford to dig your way out? What if a storm knocked out your kitchen windows? Or if you needed to [...]